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sexta-feira, junho 16, 2006

Notícias : Uwe Boll desafia Tarantino e os seus critícos para resolverem as coisas no Ringue

Toda a gente já gozou com o facto de achar que Uwe Boll é um tipo totalmente louco, as alarvidades que esse senhor diz, para além das que faz, sempre me levaram a acreditar que de facto o tipo não joga com o baralho todo. Mas desta vez o excêntrico director alemão excedeu-se e levou as coisas para a estratosfera da insanidade só ao alcance de um Vincent McMahon.

Tudo começou com uma press release para anunciar o sucesso que foi o lançamento de BloodRayne em DVD e a apresentação do próximo projecto do alucinado realizador, desta feita uma pelicula não baseada num Videojogo (finalmente).

Qual não é o meu espanto quando leio o comunicado que emanou nesta press release, com a cortesia do site Skewered & Reviewed passo a reproduzir esse comunicado surreal:

Again the fans have shown that the critics of Uwe Boll are out of touch with what the general movie audience population wants. Dr. Boll has continually been roasted for the films he has directed and produced. His last two films, House of the Dead & Alone in the Dark, cost $20 million but they have grossed over $110 million to-date. The same negative reactions from some of the same press and the Internet critics are now being directed at Uwe Boll's latest film, BloodRayne.

Dr. Uwe Boll has had enough! Uwe Boll’s position is "I am fed up. I’m fed up with people slamming my films on the Internet without see them. Many journalists make value judgments on my films based on the opinions of one or two thousand Internet voices. Half of those opinions come from people who’ve never watched my films. I have been told that "BloodRayne" has a very bad IMDb rating, but how many of those votes of zero were made before the movie appeared in theatres." The criticism goes on and on.

Uwe is now challenging the critics that failed to watch his films prior to reviewing or commenting to "PUT UP OR SHUT UP!"

Before we go any further I'd just like to ask why can't Stephen Sommers or Paul WS Anderson or Jim Wynorski follow this man's lead?

Towards the end of the filming of Postal the 5 most outspoken critics will be flown into Vancouver and supplied with hotel rooms. As a guest of Uwe Boll they will be given the chance to be an extra/stand-in in Postal and have the opportunity to put on boxing gloves and enter a BOXING RING to fight Uwe Boll. Each critic will have the opportunity to bring down Uwe in a 10 bout match. There will be 5 matches planned over the last two days of the movie. Certain scenes from these boxing matches will become part of the Postal movie. All 5 fights will be televised on the internet and will be covered by international press.

To be eligible you must be a critic who has posted on the internet or have written in magazines / newspapers at least two extremely negative articles in the year 2005. Critics of 2006 will not be considered. Please submit proof of your negative reviews & comments via e-mail here.

All challengers must be healthy males, weighing between 64 kilograms (140 lbs.) and 86 kilograms (190 lbs.). You will require to be physically examined by a doctor and sign the necessary release forms for liability, etc. You will not be paid or entitled to any residuals or fees. Your transportation & hotel costs will be covered.

Dr. Uwe Boll’s invitation to fight and/or appear in his film is extended to all his harshest critics. Roger Avary and Quentin Tarantino are among the most eligible candidates.

The following posters to the IMDb have earned the right to be placed on the list of the most extreme anti-Boll critics and are therefore eligible to enter the contest. Contestants will be chosen to be an extra and physically box Dr. Uwe Boll.


If critics want to bring Uwe Boll down, here is their chance to physically bring him down and have the entire world watch them do it.



Digo-vos uma coisa, um dia Hollywood irá fazer um filme tipo Ed Wood sobre a carreira de Uwe Boll e será de certeza um filme de largo sucesso.

Só mais uma coisa, ofereço-me desde já para ir para as bancadas fazer como o Rob Scheneider e gritar
"Come on, Uwe! You can do it!"

Isto há cada um...

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